GPU-Accelerated Coverage  0.1.0
Compute coverage tours for known environment with articulated objects on GPU
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CAbstractCameraAbstract superclass for all cameras
 CAbstractProgramAbstract superclass for all shader programs
 CAbstractProgramMapProjectionAbstract superclass for all shader programs projecting panoramas to texture images
 CAbstractRendererAbstract superclass for all renderers
 CAbstractTaskAbstract superclass for parallel tasks
 CAnimationRepresents the animation of a scene object
 CBoneRepresents a bone of an animation skeleton
 CCameraOrthoOrthographic projection camera
 CCameraPanoramaOmnidirectional panorama camera
 CCameraPerspectivePerspective projection camera
 CChannelAnimation channel
 CConfigSingleton class for storing configuration
 CCoordinateAxesRenders a coordinate axes system
 CDotRenders a single dot at the origin of the coordinate system
 CGLExceptionCustom OpenGL exception
 CImageRepresents a 2D image
 CLightRepresents a light source, corresponds to Assimp's aiLight structure
 CLocationsLightLocations of light source shader variables
 CLocationsMaterialLocations of material shader variables
 CLocationsMVPLocations of model, view, and projection shader variables
 CMaterialRepresents a mesh material corresponding to Assimp's aiMaterial
 CMeshClass representing a mesh, corresponding to Assimp's aiMesh
 CNodeScene graph node, corresponding to Assimp's aiNode
 CRendererRenderer for rendering a 3D scene using textures and materials
 CRobotSceneConfigurationRepresents a combined configuration of the robot and the articulation objects
 CSceneScene graph corresponding to Assimp's aiScene
 CSharedDataShared data for parallel tasks
 CTextureTexture object
 CVisibilityRendererDetermines regions visible from a given camera pose and marks the regions as observed on the texture